Welcome to Atos Tacoma | Legend Jiu Jitsu, where we believe in fostering an environment that promotes safety, respect, and enjoyment on the mats. Our Code of Conduct serves as a guiding framework to ensure that everyone who steps onto our training grounds can have a fulfilling and positive experience. Jiu Jitsu is not just a martial art; it's a way of life that extends beyond the gym walls. Therefore, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of conduct, both as practitioners of this incredible art and as members of a diverse community.

Our Code of Conduct reflects the values we hold dear: integrity, discipline, humility, and mutual respect. These principles form the foundation of our gym, and by adhering to them, we create an atmosphere where everyone can learn, grow, and achieve their goals in a safe and supportive environment.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with this Code of Conduct, as it applies to all members, regardless of rank, experience, or background. Together, we can uphold the traditions of Jiu Jitsu and ensure that Atos Tacoma remains a place of camaraderie, personal growth, and empowerment. Let's embrace the journey and make every moment on the mats a rewarding and memorable one.

code of conduct

Welcome all new students with a smile.

Respect your teachers. Practice good posture during instruction.

Bow on and off the mats.

Be clean, smell clean. Wash your gi, clip your nails.

No shoes, food, or drinks on the mats.

Be coachable, no ego.

Be timely. If you’re late wait until your instructor invites you on the mats.

Everyone cleans the mats after class.

Win graciously, learn humbly.

Use technique over strength.

Practice the technique of the day.

Reserve the most intense training for those with similar goals.

No foul language inside the school.

If you’re sick or have a skin infection, stay home.

Have fun. Enjoy the journey.